Countdown to 100 Days of Growing Food Challenge: Stephanie

There is never a better time than now, to start taking control of your own food security. There will be ups and downs, some years will full and abundant, and other years filled with heartache – but isn’t that how life always goes?

Stephanie puts it well, life never really slows down, so take the time and use it to the fullest!

Check out our other stories in the countdown with Laura, Stacey, Amber, Annie, Katelyn, and Erin!


“Hello! I’m Stephanie, a full time employee, wife, and new mom. I have been wanting to start a raised bed garden since we’ve moved into our new home (5 years ago now). I kept saying, “maybe next year when life slows down a bit I’ll start one”. Jokes on me though, because life never really slows down, does it? In October 2019 I became a mother to a beautiful baby girl, which becomes the main reason to my “why” of starting a garden. That and along with, the uncertain world we live in; not knowing if we will have another food shortage, etc.

I started small for my first year of raised bed gardening with (2) 4′ x 2′ raised beds and (2) large planting pots. In the one raised bed, I have started two different types of lettuce (heirloom cutting mix and all year round) and carrots. In the second raised bed, I have snap peas and pole green beans. Lastly, the large pots will house my potatoes and sweet potatoes.

My goal for this year is to gain insight on the process of gardening; and of course, to produce and be able to feed my family. I also hope to be able to continue to grow a garden each year, so that I can pass on this knowledge to my daughter.”

Stephanie Shuman

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