Having a child completely ruins you.
You lose friends.
You don’t have time for your hobbies.
You struggle to find time for your spouse.
Some days (most days) you don’t remember what it was like having time to yourself.
Forget using the bathroom alone.
Or finishing an avocado without sharing.
You find yourself in almost a constant state of worry.
– Is he eating enough? Is he eating too much? What will the doctor say about this? Should his poop look like that?!
-You now hate Google searches and yet can’t go a day without looking something up.
Suddenly you go from 10 hours of sleep to living off what seems like 10 minutes, favorite shirts become snot rags, and goodness, there are toys everywhere!
What is left?
Oh. What is left. ❤️
You are loved by this little person more than you will ever be loved again.
You find more room for love and patience than you ever thought possible.
You find time to connect with your spouse, and you fall head over heals again watching them with your child.
That tiny human can light up your whole day with a simple giggle, or an unexpected new trick.
You find new friends, and maybe forgive old friends who were ruined years before.
You find time for things that really matter, and loose interest in hobbies that don’t.
You realize that every second of everyday is important and has meaning.
Yes. Becoming a parent ruins you.
It ruins those most selfish parts of you. You become a different person. You find you want to be a better person, to live up to what that baby sees when he looks at you.
So cherish it. It’s okay that having a baby ruins you, because what you can build from that is unlike anything you ever dreamt of. Don’t give up, don’t give in. Enjoy every moment because each day passes and we don’t get it back.