To My Son’s Future Wife.

To my sweet, future daughter-in-laws,

Oh, how many tears I have shed for you already. I spend so much time thinking of who you will be, what your interests will be, what you will look like. But one thing I know without a doubt in my mind, that you will be lovely. You will be the one who sparks joy in my son’s eye. The one who calls to his heart. His best friend. The woman who will change him and help him grow into a man I have always dreamt he will become.

Dear one, I have prayed for you more than you will ever know. I hope your life has been full of love, laughter, and blessings. I know that you will be strong, and will challenge my boy to become a better person.

I know that you will one day replace me as the woman in his life. And I want you to know that I am okay with that. That from the time you become his wife, you will be his priority. His best friend. His “help meet”. And while my heart breaks at the thought of my little boys growing up, I am gladdened to know that you are out there somewhere. That one day, when I am gone, they won’t be alone in this world.

My boys have been the biggest blessing in my life. And you will be, too. Someday you may be the mother of my grandchildren, and you have no idea how special of a gift that will be. To be able to watch my children raising their own.

I hope you will be patient with me, and with my son. Know that his father and I have done our best to model a life following Jesus. We already see how fierce their personalities are, how strongly they love, and how willing they are to serve.

You will always be in my heart.

Thinking of you until the day we meet,


4 thoughts on “To My Son’s Future Wife.”

  1. Sara, what you said is exactly what I thought and felt when your husband and his brother were little. You said it perfectly. We are so blessed you became our daughter…such a blessing in our lives. Love you! “Mom” Shuman

    1. Love you too! I get totally overwhelmed when I think about them! I never thought I would get so emotional praying for them, but I always do!

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