When Sickness Comes

The last three months have seemed like a whirlwind with some or all of our family feeling unwell to some degree or another.

The hardest part for me as the mother, is that I feel responsible. I’ve been running on fumes the last several months trying to tend to everyone’s needs: wiping tears in the middle of the night from, trying to clean up everything from sinuses draining to GI messes, soothing barking coughs, monitoring fevers, and have been left completely touched out, drained, and feeling defeated.

Our last round of trouble ended with one child suffering from three separate viral stomach infections and pnemonia (which lead to the whole family on antibiotics and now we’re trying to repair the damage from that.)

It’s so hard for me not to take this all personally. We do our best to live a healthy lifestyle, choose “real” foods, prioritize rest, make sure we’re outside often, take supplements and herbs. So when getting hit after hit really started brewing feelings of self doubt about my choices as a mother.

(Enjoying a spontaneous hot tub with hot chocolate during a snow storm)


Yes, we practice informed consent for our medical choices as much as we can.

Yes, I don’t always agree with what’s recommended (by both the holistic community and Western Medicine).

Yes, I will use pharmaceuticals if necessary.

Yes, I know there is a risk to both sides.

What I’ve come to find is it doesn’t have to be one way or another. We can still choose to support our bodies with a gentle lifestyle, whole foods, and herbs but sometimes we will still get sick.

It’s not our job or our calling to avoid all illnesses. Actually, there’s alot of studies showing how they can help the immune system long term. (This isn’t me saying ignore your body or your symptoms!)

We live in a fallen, broken world. Sicknesses and injuries will come and go, no matter what regimen or routine you practice. Having the knowledge and resources to best support your mind and body through that illness is what is key. (And knowing when to seek help from a professional.)

As for repairing gut health post antibiotics, we have been taking a strong probiotic, drinking bone broth, eating easy to digest foods, and incorporating more fermented foods into our diet. (Pictured: kombucha, sourdough, and milk kefir)


Throughout these pasts months, I have realized just how blessed I am to have a small community of mom friends who will support us at the drop of a hat.

Between picking up groceries, dropping meals, donating breastmilk, and praying for us. The friends and family members who have lended a helping hand and kind word are absolute gems.

We appreciate you so much.

The Future of the Farm

Despite the ups and downs in health, we have still had projects going on around the farm! I will be doing some blogs in the near future with some of the happenings and updates, so stay tuned!

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